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联系人: 先生 (业务经理)
电 话:0755-22695900
手 机:13829955502


货运保险索赔指南 英文版


    Guide to import and export freight insurance claims

When the insured losses, after the insurance of the goods to the insurance companys claims arise. The insured person shall be in accordance with the provisions of the policy to the insurance claim processing procedures, should also be to the identity of the consignee to the carrier completed the necessary formalities in order to protect their right to claim.

1, the loss notice: When the insured person or finds out that the insurance of goods were damaged, they should immediately notify the insurer in order to test the insurer loss, rescue comments made to determine the insurance liability, checking the sender or the carriers liability. Delay in notification, would delay the insurers carry out the work, causing dissent, affecting the claim.

Second, the insured person or his agent in the delivery of goods obviously found the whole piece is damaged or deficient, in addition to the insurance company (and the local agent of the insurance company survey) reported that loss, it should also immediately to the carrier, the trustee, as well as Customs and Excise Department, the Port Authority and other goods obtained from cargo damage proved worse.

联系人;徐先生 手机号:13434780522(微信同步)QQ;16014743

先生 (业务经理)  
电  话: 0755-22695900
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移动电话: 13829955502
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市深圳市福田区华强北街道深南中路1002号新闻大厦1号楼21楼
邮  编: 518000
公司主页: http://hybx2022.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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